Saturday, January 9, 2010

1.9.10 - words, not numbers!!

ok, so not every one of these pics is going to be just gorgeous...but this is what was on my mind this evening. after waiting for half an hour for a pot of water to boil...i had to once again remember what the heck to set my stove dial on! :-p to me, "lo" would be 2-4 and "high" would be 10-12...does that not make sense to you?? i do way more steaming in the microwave than i do boiling on the stove, so i never remember whether to follow the words...or the numbers! now that i've done a post on it, maybe i'll remember...words!! not numbers!

1 comment:

  1. I'll agree with you. The numbers are backwards of what you would expect. Maybe that particular model of stove never caught on?
